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The Torgo Arcade Blog
The Torgo Arcade Blog

    UTC - Welcome!   
      Welp, this is my first post here on the new Torgo Arcade Blog. As the description says this blog will be dedicated to my attempt to build an arcade cabinet... Many others have sites documenting their arcade building experience, so I figured I would do one -- in blog form...

      At this point in time I'm solely in a conceptual stage. I have been reading my copy of Project Arcade... Being I'm not much of a reader I'm at the begining of chapter two...

      I'm thinking I will go with the Ultimate Arcade II design... I need to find someone to build the cabinet as I don't do wood work & live in a small apartment & have no tools... I'm looking at family members at the moment, hopefully that will work, but we'll see...

      My first task currently is precuring a computer... I need a PC to run an emulator, as I've found Macs don't handle the MAME emulator very well... There are also no really nice full screen front ends... I am a die-hard Mac user, but my experience is that it takes a fairly fast Mac to run some of the more advanced games at full screen sizes... I'm currently looking in to getting a PC from a Salvation Army Thrift Store... I had a friend give me a really old PC, but I can't seem to get it to boot... It's a 500 MHz machine, so it's a little slower than I want to use anyway... Also from what he said it's not capable of handling a modern video card. Oddly enough, it has a video card, then a VGA cable running to a seperate 3D card, then the VGA cable connects to that second card... Strange...

      The front end I'm likely going to go with is Maximus Arcade, as it has been very easy to configure & get working... I've attempted other front ends but so far their either too hard to configure, or they simply don't work in a manner I'm comfortable with... Mamewah seems like it might be a good alternative, but I'm having a hard time getting it configured... I did find a site with a configuation tool, however it says it requires a verson of Mamewah that looks nothing like the current version number, so I've not spent much time playing with it...

      At any rate, that's where I am currently... I will post again when I've made progress in any of the listed fronts, or if something comes up I feel needs commenting on from me...

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Apple Think Different Last updated:  Wed, Feb 27, 2008 - 11:38 PM UTC

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