Well, after having the friend come over who gave me an old PC (but I couldn't get to work), He fixed it and it now boots! I have coppied some emulators over, however I did find (as I had expected) that the processor speed does greatly limit what can be played...
Namely I tried running that game named after a "glove" or "challenge" and found it ran, but slowed down noticably when getting into areas with lots of ghosts and other creatures common in the game filled the screen. But at the very least I have a base system to work off of, which is still progress none the less...
Being my wedding is just around the corner, I won't exactly be able to spend much time in the near future working on it, but at least I now have *something* to work on...
Oh, and for the record I'm still in the beginning of chapter two in
Project Arcade... As I said, I don't read much... ;)